Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dr. Shaquille O'Neal

I generally do not associate athletes with education - especially famous ones. However, some weeks Shaq became Dr. Shaquille O'Neal after graduating from Barry University with an Ed.D. Now I was never a fan of Mr. O'Neal as a basketball play, especially with his tendency to dis coaches and other teams after he was traded. However, I was taken aback by his commitment to education right up to the doctorate level especially since he certainly did not need to do this. Now, I see him as a role model to other young men as this demonstrate that even after accomplishing fame and fortune from playing a sport, education is still the key. Frankly, playing a sport will not last forever, but possessing a well rounded education will be around for sometime to come.

A New Take on Cannabalistic Behavior

When one person can engage in a cannibalistic act of chewing off another person's face and leaving only their beard, you have to wonder what is this world coming to! It is unimaginable how anyone, even under drugs, can snap in such a horrific manner to do such an unimaginable act on another person. His mother says that he should be tasered versus shot. But, after such a violent assault on another human being, how could this assaulter with such anamalistic charasteristics be allowed to live on this earth. The University of Miami is expected to conduct research of Rudy Eugene's brain. However, whatever they find cannot justify the violent act that was committed. My prayers go out to the victim, Mr. Poppo who is now without a face, eyes, nose, and mouth. Unbelievable!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fraudulent Earnings from Ponzi Scheme, Olint

David Smith received a 6 year sentence in Turks and Caicos Island and also 30 years in the United States District Court for his fraudulent money laundering and other illegal actions in running a ponzi scheme as the boss of Olint. The sentencings demonstrate that the illegal scheme stretched from the Caribbean to the USA. Recent news releases indicate that the Supreme Court of Turks and Caicos Island named some of the recepients of the millions of dollars that Smith duped his investors. For example, a former prime minister of Jamaica, and government ministers of the two major political parties in the same country gained from $50,0000 U.S. to as much as millions of U.S. dollars from the scheme. The news release indicates the former prime minister received $1 million U.S.!!! David Smith defrauded hundreds of thousands of clients more than $220 million dollars, and those people who received those funds need to pay back the ill gained money.

Unfair Insurance Policies

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation is intended to be the insurance of last resort for homeowners in the state of Florida. So, those who are unable to readily secure insurance or pay the exhorbitant rates of other companies rely on Citizens for coverage. However, since the insurance board did not approve Citizen's request for a high rate increase, the insurers now plan to dump thousands of policies and thereby leave homeowners in the hole. Even prior to this announcement, the company has been sticking it to policy holders expecially in S. Florida where premiums are the highest in the state although S. Florida has not seen a severe hurricane for some years in comparison to the Gulf Coast and other parts of Florida. Play fair Citizens!