Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Brandy Berning's Traffic Stop By Broward Officer Got Her 10 Minutes of Fame

It is quite clear from previous posts that there has been dissatisfaction with actions of the Broward County Sheriff's office. So, it unusual that a recent publicized arrest action by the office was more applauded rather than criticized. The action involved a young lady, Brandy Berning. She was stopped by a Deputy O'Brian for a traffic violation because she apparently feels that, as the only occupant of her vehicle, she is entitled to drive in the HOV lane. She appears to have planned that if she was stopped for this traffic violation, she would record the conversation. It is not clear why she would want to record the conversation if she was committing a traffic violation unless she had ulterior motives. Nevertheless, it would not have mattered which officer stopped her, she would have acted in the same childish manner by taunting the officer and jeering that she was recording the conversation on her cell phone. Unfortunately, Officer O'Brian may have made the wrong decision by not simply giving her a ticket and sending her on her way instead of demanding the phone. Her immature behavior continued as she screamed that she would not give up the phone. Of course, this may have triggered the emotions from the officer since she showed no respect for authority. So, he attempted to get  the phone and since she resisted, he called for back-up, arrested her, and it is good to see that Ms. "Entitled" spent the night in jail. Now, such a traffic stop would never have gone this far with someone having maturity and respect for the law. However , the actions just gave Ms. "Entitled", oops, Ms. Berning reason to seek her 10 minutes of fame on WPLG's local news. Of course, the scuffling for the phone has caused her to claim injuries. So she now has intentions to make money since she has already retained an attorney. This is a perfect example of how bad behavior can be used to someone's financial advantage.

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