Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Ruthlessness of a Glamorous Career

Working in the media as a news anchor, sports anchor, or meteorologist has always been seen as glamorous jobs, and many young people gravitate towards moving up from street reporting to sitting behind the "desk". However, recent incidents at WPLG, an ABC affiliate in the major market, Miami, leaves one to see how devious executives can be when making decisions. The protégé of a long standing weather person, after working for some years as the Chief Meteorologist for the station, was recently demoted to the weekends and replaced by a well known lady formerly from the Weather Channel. This lady is beautiful, charming, smart and community oriented, and I myself gravitate towards watching the news to see her since I can easily relate to her elegance and style. It is also refreshing to see that this young lady has made such a great impression to secure the Chief Meteorologist postition since years ago such a venture would have been impossible. So, my congratulations go out to her. In addition, the gentleman who anchored the weather for many years during the mornings on weekdays was also suddenly replaced my another beautiful woman and relegated to doing the weather during the mornings on weekends. Is it that the audience have changed and they are now gravitating towards watching beautiful women rather than looking at men clad in the monotonous dark suits and ties? Whatever the reason, the sudden switch of these positions and other switches at WPLG as well as the continuous demotions and non-renewal of contracts through the industry demonstrates that this is a fickle, ruthless industry where executives care simply to maintain the high audience viewership and have no consideration or respect for their staff. So, while getting to the anchor desk is expected by many young people, maybe remaining a street reporter is the best option in the long run if that is the city where the reporter wants to settle down. I can only say for the female meteorologists at WPLG who replaced their male counterparts - "Watch your backs!" You never know when you will face the same ruthlessness and disprespect since those executives will smile in your face today and stab you in the back tomorrow!

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