Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Get A Job????

Some members of the Republican majority Florida congress are clueless about the state of health care not only in the country but moreso in their own state. One of them demonstrated his ignorance by announcing that those people who do not have health care should "Get a job!!". It is quite apparent that this stupid outburst is the common sentiments of many who are of the impression that only the unemployed do not have health insurance. Well, it is important for these people to educate themselves that many full time employees do not have insurance depending on the companies where they are employed. For instance, a full time employee of Krispy Kreme advised me only today of her need to obtain medical treatment but is unable to do so because she does not have insurance even though she often works over 40 hours each week. This is one of the many familiar cases of personal knowledge of people working full time without health benefits. In fact, for a number of years, colleges and universities have transitioned many full time professor positions into part-time position so that the institutions will not have to be responsible for providing insurance and other employee benefits. So, many classes are now being taught by hourly paid Adjunct Professors. Therefore, a word to those who are ignorant about health care -- do your research and you will see that many people are without insurance not because they are unemployed but because their employers are not providing those benefits for one reason or another.

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