Monday, May 6, 2013

Boston Bomber Burial Controversy

Residents of Boston, as seen in the picture, have come out against burying the Boston bomber anywhere in the state of Massachusetts. Really??!! Are these people aware that this man is dead, and there is no chance his body will return to life to hurt anyone living in the community??!! So, since a resurrection of Tamerlan Tsarnaev's body is not expected, there should not be any controversy on burying the body anywhere. Quite frankly, the burying dissatisfaction of these people is a perfect reminder (as also mentioned on a radio program this morning) of a sad period during American history when racists came out in full force to demonstrate and deny Black citizens from being buried on the grounds of certain cemeteries. Nevertheless, it would be a ridiculous, stupid, and a wasteful effort to pursue this matter since Boston cementeries certainly house the gravesites of the corpse of people who have committed horrendous crimes within the city throughout the years.

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