Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mitt's Stammering

Listening to Mitt Romney, you have to wonder if he has a controlled stammering issue.

Hurricane Sandy - Sign of the Time!

A hurricane devastating north eastern United States! This is certainly a mega sign of the time! Hmmmmh!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Citizen's Property Insurance - Shame On You!

Citizens Property Insurance - "insurance of last resort" for the state of Florida is like a vulture! The company is "suppose" to be a reasonable option for those home owners who cannot afford to obtain coverage from private insurance companies. However, the company is doing all that is possible to raise coverages. This years they required homeowners to open their doors to inspectors who were trained to find problems so as to create a reason to raise the insurance rates. However, there were so many complains from customers who luckily had documentation that the so called errors on the Citizen's reports were fictitious. So, the numerous complaints and media coverage caused Citizens to have to schedule re-inspections of the thousands of homes previously inspected. Now, Citizens announced that they intend to raise insurance rates in January, 2013. The company will stop at no end to sock it to homeowners who cannot afford these astronomical increases. The executives of the company have no conscience.