Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Biased British Embassy Policies

Jamaica seems to be the only western country where all who want to renew or obtain new passports must go to the British embassy in person at designated days and hours. A check on the procedures for many countries, including those that have British embassies, uncovered that these countries do not appear to be under any strict guidelines from the British Embassy. People from these countries are instructed to simply complete the form and send it along with the required documents to the Washington DC British Embassy. So, one can only wonder why the strict guidelines are imposed for one and not for all.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Gun Shows - War Memorial Auditorium

It is amazing to see on the newscast the hundreds of irresponsible people who lined up to purchse guns at the War Memorial Auditorium in Ft. Lauderdale. You could not get even 10 of these people to go to a PTA meeting or to any educational functions for that matter! This is just an example of the gun totting cowboy mentality of so many who are using the second amendment as an excuse to own guns. Furthermore, what are people doing with assault weapons in their possession??!! In addition, with some of these low lifes selling guns from their cars this shows that anyone can purchase a gun without a proper background check. So, with such gun shows throughout the country, innocent people will continue to be the victims of gun crimes. At this point, it is too late for government's intervention and restrictions since the guns are already in the hands of so many crazies.