Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Egypt - Downturn of a Peaceful Nation

Last year it was encouraging to watch the bravery and persistence of youth and older citizens from Egypt as they demonstrated for the ouster of the dictatorship regime of Hosni Mubarak. Their joy was shared when this corrupt leader of 30 years decided to step down. Many credited social media for enabling the huge gathering of demonstrators whose voices created such a major political change within the country. I looked with envy at the success and dedication as protestors gathered in Egypt. This led me to wonder why the residents of my parents’ native country could not have also organized such a social protest against the corrupt actions of their government. But, fast forward, I now think otherwise when I see how disappointing such good intentions have become. Egypt, the once peaceful and accommodating nation that has prided itself for having some of the most beautiful monuments and artifacts have recently become tainted by the killing of thousands of Muslims by the military. In fact, the deadly actions have led to retaliatory actions that could signify the beginning of more violence to come and even a civil war. Certainly, this current deadly situation was not the intentions of those who gathered last year to demonstrate for a better country and not for the conditions that now exist.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Enabling Mothers

A  Mercedes Benz SUV was riddled with bullets. After  the shooting that left her son in critical condition, a mother pleaded for anyone who knows about the crime to come forward with information.  The mother indicates that her 23 year old son is  "a very good-hearted person" in response to a reporter's questions that her son has an extensive arrest record on drug and theft charges. Further, reports indicate that the woman's son is currently on probation after a recent arrest for a hit and run with property damage and drug possession. Certainly, the difficulties that mothers face when their child is injured or killed in shooting incidents are understandable. However, when those children are caught up in a life of crime, it is inconceivable how some mothers seem to believe that their sons are or were such "good boys"  who can or could do no wrong in their eyes! Reality check please! 

Monday, August 12, 2013

FIU - Banana Republic University

A group of veteran Cuban baseball players recently arrived in Florida. Their first game was expected to be played in Miami at Florida International University (FIU) against former Cuban baseball players who defected to the United States. However, this game was abruptly canceled by FIU thereby leaving the Cuban veterans without a venue to play their South Florida game. Of course, South Florida has a dominant Cuban population that includes die-hard, anti-communist supporters who will go out of their way to suppress any cultural or athletic performances of Cubans visiting the United States. It is not certain how such actions to intimidate the Cuban visitors can impact the state of affairs and lives of the residents in Cuba. However, certainly such suppressive actions are not expected from a university that professes to produce independent, academic thinkers.  Surely, a university such as FIU who is working to become recognized as a top-notch institution would not get involved in the political antics of these groups but rather to promote the cultural exchange that many baseball lovers would have loved to view. Shame on you FIU as the situation was poorly handled.