Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Should African Americans Be Silent

This morning, on the Tom Joyner Morning show, Dr. Cornel West was interviewed by Roland Martin. Over the years, Dr. West  has been an outspoken critic of President Obama. Mr. Joyner who whole heartily supports the President has made his dissatisfaction known on his radio program about not only Dr. West but Tavis Smiley so many of his listeners have jumped on the band wagon to support Joyner's views that both men have been a disappointment since the President is seen as an inspiration and a role model throughout the African American community. In view of the mentioned conflicts, it was surprising that Dr. West's interview was aired on Joyner's program. Joyner has often demonstrated a lack of control by rudely interrupting interviewee who he does not agree with. However, with Dr. West's interview he somehow managed to keep quiet. But, his silence was not for long since as soon as the interview was over, the gloves came off. Joyner even had the audacity to express that African Americans should not publicly voice their dissatisfaction about the President since FOX New has already been doing a good job at it. Joyner indicated that it is better for the Black community to keep any dissatisfaction on the President in the "family" versus airing concerns publicly.  In a country where free speech is a First Amendment right, African Americans or Blacks from other cultures, creed, etc. should not be cowered into silence if they do not agree with any of the President's policies. Any conflicting views do not indicate a loss of admiration for the President as a person, and neither does speaking out indicate a loss of support for the President.

Thomas Eric Duncan - Used as a Human Guinea Pig?

Some U.S. citizens have entered the country with the Ebola virus and have lived to walk out of hospitals healthy and happy in the arms of their friends and family. They even have regained the strength to participate in press conferences and daytime interview programs. Thomas Duncan was not so lucky! Was his treatment different from the others? Was he given the same drugs as the U.S. citizens? Was he used instead as a human guinea pig to test different medications to determine their outcomes? Certainly, all the necessary life saving drugs will be used on American citizens infected with the Ebola virus to save their lives. There is too much at stake and backlash if these lives were not saved. However, an African dying in the U.S. will attract little or no attention as was Mr. Duncan's case.  In fact, on the update of this writing it has been a week since Mr. Duncan's death and he is already forgotten! This medical situation is a reminder of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.

What's up with dat?