Monday, December 22, 2014

Corporate Greed At Consumer Expense!!

It is quite ironic that whenever gas prices increase, consumers experience immediate increases in goods and services. For instance, airline costs are one of the many services that has increased with higher fuel costs over the years. However, while the airlines are now reaping the benefits of the lower cost, they do not seem to consider the need to spread the lower costs to consumers who continue to pay high air fares. How could that be? his This is capitalism at its best!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Prince Albert's Son, Alexandre, Gets Snubbed!!

Today, Prince Albert and his wife, Princess Charlene, welcomed twins and announced that the first born twin would be heir to the throne of Monaco. But, what's up with his first child, Alexandre? Isn't he the first born and should rightly be the heir to the throne??!! Or is primogeniture not considered if it does not suit a "royal's" reputation? Is it because Alexandre's mother is Black so he is bi-racial? What a disgrace to deny his own child such a right because of the color of his skin! Looks like an example that will result in a curse of "the sins of the father".

No Bureaucracy At Miami Dade County Public Schools per Carlos Curbelo

It was surprising and ironic to hear Carlos Curbelo mention in a departure speech at the Miami Dade County Public School's monthly meeting that he sees no bureaucracy at the district when it was only five minutes prior that an employee stepped up to the open mike and indicated that she completed a form and sent it to the Human Resources Department since April and still to this date (December 10) had not received any response from them. Curbelo may have been more concerned with the brown-nosing speech and departing gifts that he intended to give rather than paying attention to this employee's words. If he paid attention he certainly would have left that comment out of his speech. Furthermore, a board member needs to step into the shoes of the employees to notice such a problem. Nevertheless, Curbelo shows that he will certainly fit very well into political life in Washington D.C.!!