Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Who Cares for Obama Care?

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It is quite ironic that politicians and their political cronies have the best health insurance coverage at the expense of tax payers while they continue to fight to deprive those who have signed up for Obamacare. These politicians and supporters do not care that millions of persons are in dire need of health insurance coverage. They do not care that those persons with pre-existing conditions have an opportunity to gain medical coverage for their serious medical issues. They do not care that a low income parent can now afford to take care of his/her health so as to care for his/her children. More over, many of these politician and their cronies who are totally removed from the mainstream are not aware that even educated professionals are signing up for Obamacare. These conservatives are oblivious to the fact that this category of persons include adjunct professors and other professionals are unable to secure full time positions at colleges and universities so as to obtain group health insurance benefits. The main contention of the politicians is to spite President Obama by nit picking at every word of the Obamacare law so as to come up with an issue for the courts to deny this insurance to millions of people. But, these politicians and their supporters should realize that President Obama will never be affected by their hatred since the highest level of health care will always be available to him and his family for their lifetime. Instead, these conservatives are harming so many innocent voters who would not be able to afford health insurance if it was not for Obamacare.