Saturday, August 29, 2015

Athletes, Think About Changing Allegiance

The IAAF World Championship is now underway in Beijing, China and, similar to the Olympics the track and field event showcases the talents of the best athletes around the world. Throughout the years, some of these athletes have switched their allegiance from their native country to represent the United States. Athletes who switch may see, at present, more advantages in representing the United States such as securing lucrative endorsement or sponsorship from major corporation; having access to top training facilities; and simply enjoying the status of representing the United States. Whatever the case, it is important for these athletes to also consider what happens after the glory of their winning streak ends. At this world championship in China, there is an athlete who switched allegiance and has previously successfully represented the United States at a number of championships including the Olympics. However,it is seen from the current championship and others that this athlete has been gradually sidelined from races once dominated and limited instead to perform in one race only. This track and field athlete, like others, will eventually be forgotten as younger star athletes are discovered.  As companies move on to the next rising star athlete, the once lucrative endorsement will end as quickly as it was implemented. In other countries, however, a track and field top performer is never forgotten even after death. Their fame and fortune continue after leaving the sport, and this allows them to become an influential force in their countries. The glories will continue for a long time to come for athletes who are honored to represent their countries.