Friday, May 18, 2018

Royal Wedding - Overblown Press Coverage?

Video about Prince William's wedding but it also applies to Harry and Meghan since media coverage has since gotten worse.

Friday, May 18th, 2018 - a day when the beauty salon is filled with ladies doing their hair, getting facials and manicures. The television is on with inundated coverage of the royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. A question was asked to many of the women - "Who's getting up to watch the wedding at 4:00 AM? All of them responded "No, I won't be". The overall response was that they are sick and tired of the media coverage and wouldn't waste their sleep time to get up so early to watch the wedding. And, my birth in England does not make me any willing to watch. Don't get me and them wrong, many of us love Prince Harry since they find him to be charming, down-to-earth, and display the kindness and compassion as his mother, Princess Dianne. We also adore Meghan and her Black heritage is even more a plus for them. But, the press coverage is simply exhausting to them. One cannot imagine how Megan must be feeling with so much media coverage that may have quite likely be a cause of her father's heart attach thereby preventing him from walking her down the aisle. The media is clamoring for the same story and they seem not to take into consideration that there is so much coverage that the public will tolerate before they get disgusted and turn away. This is an example where many not only look at the media with distaste, but earnestly hope for the wedding to quickly be over to get some normalcy back to viewing favorite programs. But, then again, no doubt the same media circus atmosphere will return whenever Megan get's pregnant - we can't wait!!


Tuesday, May 15, 2018