Thursday, February 16, 2012

Renouncing U.S. Citizenship

Having dual citizenship in some Caribbean countries such as Jamaica is causing quite a stir for the past five years. It appears that four years ago when the opposition party, JLP, was voted back as the ruling party, some of the members of their sworn in members of Parliament held dual citizenship with Jamaica and the U.S. I guess after 18 years of serving as the opposition party, these dual citizenship holders had not expected to return to political office. Anyway, there was much to do with the fact that the dual citizenship holders of the JLP political party could not be sworn members of the Parliament since the Jamaican constitution forbade it. Well, the politicians renounced their U.S. citizenship in order to become members of Parliament. Well, last December, another election was held. Prior to this election other persons who were considered for top government posts in Parliament with the ruling JLP party decided not only to give up their highly paid political jobs, but to renounce their U.S. citizenship. However, it so happens that the ruling party lost the elections! So these people lost on both sides, their high paid political jobs and their U.S. citizenship! Now getting U.S. citizenship is not an easy task and it is quite expensive. But, I guess those issues are not considered when it comes comes to holding political power!

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