Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cut Projects for the Needy - Approve Rowing Center!

Gov. Rick Scott has cut millions from the budget that was proposed for autism, Alzheimer's care, disadvantage youth, clinics, and other projects for the needy. However, he deemed that a rowing center in Sarasota was worthy of receiving $5 million funding!

George Zimmerman - Is This A Money Issue

It is quite strange that even after having a father who was a judge that the family is claiming that they are having difficulties coming up with 10% of the $150,000 bond! There has to be more to the it that the family just don't want to put any asset on the line for George since they simple don't trust his judgement or what he will do once he is released? Hmmmh!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Secret Service Agents / Colombia Prosititue Scandal

The Secret Service agents do not only have to fear losing their jobs simply because one of their own refused to pay up after receiving the services. But, even worse, I can only image them having to deal with the issue back home with their wives. Wouldn't you want to be a fly on the wall in those households?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bad Influence On the Biggest Loser

The April 18 episode showed the refusal of the last five standing to continue with training because they disagreed with the executives' decision to bring back returning cast members. Four of the five were influenced by one man. This man is a great example of someone who preys on the vulnerabiities of people and influences their minds. These overbearing personalities can be found on court juries, part of mob incidents, etc. etc.. However, it was good to see that three contestants decided not to be influenced and went ahead with the competition especially since they signed a contract against not walking away from the show. I wonder if the two were allowed to break the contract.

Acura - Not Too Dark?

For a SuperBowl commercial Acura agents advertised for an African-American who is "not too dark". Now, really Acura that is so wrong! Could the company not have made their racial bias so obvious. But, now it's known.

Friday, April 13, 2012

She Really Has Never Worked a Day in Her Life

Ann Romney, in spite of her claims, have NEVER had to work a day in her life! Her claims about being a stay at home Mom......bullshit! She stayed at home, but not to take care of those boys......that was the nannies' and housekeepers' responsibility. And, in regards to her "illness", there are millions of women experiencing the same illness, but they do not have the financial ability to overcome it as she has. So, Ann Romney, you are not very convincing! There should have never been any apologies for claiming that she has never worked a day in her life because it is true!

Not Again, Newt

Newt Gingrich's speech to the NRA - "The right to bear arms come from our creator...........". This proves it's time for him to wrap it up, go home, and keep quiet for a longggggg time!

What Happen to Free Speech!!

It is a shame that in this country, USA, where freedom of speech is such a major right of the people, that one cannot speak freely in Miami on Cuba, Fidel Castro, etc. If the masses of the Cuban old timers in Miami are not in agreement with what is said they make a big deal out of nothing. Some of these old timers have never been back to Cuba for well over 40 or so years! These people have nothing better to do!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hyprocrite Mitt

Romney's response to Santorum's departure from the campaign trail is to offer his congratulates to him on the campaign he ran!!! What is there to congratulate, Mitt.......Santorum dragged your reputation through the mud among other things! As I said previously and will continue to say ........., what a hypocrite!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Death - Natural Causes

Isn't it something that so many well-known people who are still considered young are said to have died from "natural causes". It is understandable that the elderly die from "natural causes". But how is this possible for these people in their 50s when their bodies have not completed the aging process? I guess this is the new death announcement norm when loved ones just don't want the public to know what exactly was the cause of death.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Biggest Money Making Scheme

An evangelical pastor is certainly a lucrative job for many who are being showered with big bucks, in the name of God. Church members who are tithed to the church are throwing most of their income into the collection plates every week, yet so many of them are living 'hand to mouth' and even losing their homes. Some are even turning over their properties to these so-called preachers. Are church members so nieve or blind that they cannot realize that they are being played? In the meantime, their 'godly' pastors are driving luxury cars, living in mansions with other homes all over the world. But, even more absurd is these pastors are now so rich that they can afford to own their own private airplanes to jet all over the world! One of these 'so called' pastor who is making multi-millions had the audacity to brag that if he is given gifts in the name of God from his church members then he surely cannot refuse it! It would be great to see how much of the money these opportunists are giving back to the community in the name of God! See Huffington Post for some of these users.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Stay In School

Finally the NCAA tournament is over! Now I hope these young men will stay in school, get an education and degree, instead of dropping out to enter the NBA draft. They need to be reminded that when an NBA career is over, and their funds have dwindled, they will have nothing to fall back on if they do not complete their university education. These young men ought to be careful of, wolves in sheep clothing, who simple want to make a quick buck off their talents.

$684 Million Spending Budget Plan

The government has announced that the spending costs for the 50th Anniversary celebration will be estimated at $684 million!! Why such extravagant spending for a country that is going through so much financial hardships and high unemployment that it cannot achieve the IMF requirements?

Medical Insurance Debate

How can such an influential country be behind the times in its health care offerings to its populations? Millions of people in the United States, a first world country, do not have any medical insurance. This number includes many career professionals whose jobs have been downgraded to part-time status since employers are aware that part-time workers are much less costly than full timers. Many unemployed, part-time workers, small business owners and others hope and pray every day that they or their families do not get sick. Yet, there is a debate of some who think that only they should have insurance - no one else. People cannot continue to live in fear that they or their family could get sick. Others cannot continue to be selfish that they have insurance, but they do not want others to have medical benefits!

Hotel Rates Doubled

Memorial Day Weekend.......Urban Beach Weekend Celebrations.................hotel rates doubled and even tripled..........all Miami Beach police officers are on call - no days off during that weekend...........some stores will be even closed on that holiday weekend. Hmmh!! Don't they get it! There have been resistance for years and yet the special visitors still keep going to Miami Beach. How many ways can the people of the town say, "We don't want you here". Yet, the visitors can't seem to get the hint and take their monies elsewhere to places where they will be more appreciated.