Friday, April 6, 2012

The Biggest Money Making Scheme

An evangelical pastor is certainly a lucrative job for many who are being showered with big bucks, in the name of God. Church members who are tithed to the church are throwing most of their income into the collection plates every week, yet so many of them are living 'hand to mouth' and even losing their homes. Some are even turning over their properties to these so-called preachers. Are church members so nieve or blind that they cannot realize that they are being played? In the meantime, their 'godly' pastors are driving luxury cars, living in mansions with other homes all over the world. But, even more absurd is these pastors are now so rich that they can afford to own their own private airplanes to jet all over the world! One of these 'so called' pastor who is making multi-millions had the audacity to brag that if he is given gifts in the name of God from his church members then he surely cannot refuse it! It would be great to see how much of the money these opportunists are giving back to the community in the name of God! See Huffington Post for some of these users.

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