Sunday, September 23, 2012

Background Check on Parents by the Florida Governor!

Florida's Governor Rick Scott has taken background check to the next level. He is now requesting that parents attending education forums who want to talk to him about public education should go through a background check! This is a first for any governor of Florida. A parent was recently denied the oppportunity to attend one of these forums because of a questionable background check. Ironically, this parent works with children and must have a background check to be cleared for employment. Since no information was forthcoming from the governor's office as to why the parent was denied entry into the forum, the parent paid her money and did a recent background check on herself to see if any questionable information would be identified. Of course, no derogatory information was identified, and the governor's office is now playing the blame game on their own law enforcement office. Could it be that she was denied because she is a Democrat?

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