Monday, December 17, 2012

Principal/Teachers Undertaking Security Responsibilities

The staff at Sandy Hook Elementary was not only educators but they seemed to also be the security personnel! It is outrageous how there was no security staff to address the matter and the Principal and other staff had to take on such a responsibility of confronting the shooter instead of focusing on administering and maintaining the code red lock down procedures. Reports are that the district does not have enough money to place security personnel in each schools. How ironic especially in such an affluent community! The incident in Newtown shows that security personnel is vital in every school regardless of the impression that it is a safe community so no crime will be committed.

Gun Loving Country

On Black Friday, hundreds of thousands of guns were purchasaed. Even on the day of the shooting in Newtown, thousands of guns were purchased all over the country. In fact, Nancy Lanza was "a gun enthusiast" as described by her friend. Apparently she was a fan of the contributor to her death since she owned three guns including a high power gun in her possession. That is so crazy!! Nevertheless, the gun situation has already gotten out of hand, and at this point it is far too late to curb the problem. In the meantime, innocent lives will continue to be lost because of the free for all gun totten mentality of so many in this country who believe that the second amendment gives them the right to have a gun. What a shame that the same people who are mourning the death of these innocent children and educators are the same people who possess guns.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting

My heart goes out to the families of the victims of the senseless shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. It is unimaginable losing lives in such an act especially lives so young. Too many of these senseless shootings keep occuring everyday, yet certain Congress persons continue to avoid addressing the question of gun control especially since they are under the financial influence of lobbiest. They have not responded when hundreds of youth in Chicago and other cities have died as a result of gun violence. Will they respond now? The NRA sent out a statement that they have no comments, but when they do, it will be very interesting to hear what they say. The second observation is the comments on the news that such an incident never should have occurred in Newtown, for a number of reasons such as follows: nice place to live, good schools, beautiful countryside homes, original New England homes, middle class, tight-knit community, everybody is happy, family oriented community, never any crimes, every one knows everyone, terrific quality of life, etc. etc. etc. So, it appears that for such idealistic reasons, the residents of Newtown just simply let down their guard since not living in a big city with a diverse, cultural populations caused them to believe that no violent crimes could occur. However, crime is not partial to a town with such characteristice -- crime occurs everywhere.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Rommero Britto's Paintings

When I look at some of Rommero Britto's painting, is it me or does any one else think "What the hell is this? and "Why would anyone pay so much money for that?

Sunday, December 9, 2012

American Giving Awards

I can not understand why a charitable organization competition would ever be considered. I viewed Chase Bank's American Giving Award on television and could not stop wondering - how could anyone be a judge of charitable organizations to determine that one organization is better than another. All of the nominated organizations at the televised award are equally deserving in their own right since they all serve the needs of the disadvantage. So, how could one be deemed as "better" than the other. Was this year's competition judged on how many FaceBook friends the organization managed to secure and how an organization was able to get people to write the organization's logo on their foreheads? If these were criteria for judging, then there is no surprise how the winner of this year's competition was selected. Otherwise, who is to say that serving the needs of poor girls in an African country is a better charitable duty than preventing slave practices of youth smuggled into the United States. Or who is to say that giving children in foster homes a voice may not be as important as using reading materials to educate children throughout the world? Instead of bestowing the chosen organization with so much prize money, why not give this well needed money to all the organizations?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Use of Electronic Devices Is Out of Hand!

What is this world coming to when people see someone in harm but do nothing to help? The recent New York incident where a man was pushed onto the subway tracks and was eventually run over by a train is only one of the many situations where the human kindness of man is no longer important and evident. Instead, people are more concerned with using their electronic devices to capture incidents. It is frightening to know that the use of these electronic devices have overtaken the importance of being kind to each other. Shame on those people who stood on the platform and did not help the victim on the tracks.....what goes around, comes around!