Monday, December 17, 2012

Gun Loving Country

On Black Friday, hundreds of thousands of guns were purchasaed. Even on the day of the shooting in Newtown, thousands of guns were purchased all over the country. In fact, Nancy Lanza was "a gun enthusiast" as described by her friend. Apparently she was a fan of the contributor to her death since she owned three guns including a high power gun in her possession. That is so crazy!! Nevertheless, the gun situation has already gotten out of hand, and at this point it is far too late to curb the problem. In the meantime, innocent lives will continue to be lost because of the free for all gun totten mentality of so many in this country who believe that the second amendment gives them the right to have a gun. What a shame that the same people who are mourning the death of these innocent children and educators are the same people who possess guns.

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