Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cold Blooded Murderer

Oscar Pistorius's uncle says Oscar is not a criminal and does not want to be treaded as one. So, what do you call a man who fatally shoots his girlfriend and claims that he did not know she was inside his bathroom??!! The answer is simple - he is a cold-blooded murderer who viciously took the life of a promising young lady. He should never be allowed to leave South Africa to participate in any track and field events for the rest of his life. Quite frankly, this case could possibly signify the old paraphrase that indicates the sins of the father where the lives of the third and fourth generation will be impacted due to the evil doings of their ancestors. Oscar Pistorius is approximately the third generation after apartheid when Blacks were brutally mistreated and required to carry pass books in their own country. So, having all the money in the world will never enable Oscar Pistorius to ever be at peace with himself, and this is evident with his continuous obsession with the need for great security 24/7 within his surroundings since he never feels safe.

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