Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"Celebrity" Ignorance on Dictatorship Regimes?

Since this year, reports have been made on visits by "celebrities" to countries that are known for their dictatorship regime and inhumane treatment towards their citizens. First case was BeyoncĂ© and JayZ's visit to Cuba. As they stride happily through the poverty stricken Havana streets without a care in the world with their body guards in close proximity, the excited citizens walked alongside them and screamed in awe at witnessing the visit of such a well-known international couple from the United States. Over the weekend, JLo visited Turkmenistan to perform and wish the president a happy birthday. Through her spokesperson she claims that she did not know she has visited one of the most repressive countries in the world??!! Of course not, why would she if her performance commanded high payment and luxury accommodations! Are these celebrities completely clueless to the sufferings of the people in these countries they have visited or are they simply so self-absorbed that they do not care to become educated on the human rights records of these countries before they plan their lavish visits. While these "celebrities" may not be well educated, surely their entourage of advisors including attorneys should be knowledgeable to obtain information about these countries. So, no excuse is acceptable. Having a public image does not only mean that "celebrities" should focus simply on their craft or areas of specialty. If they are known and supported by fans all over the world, then they owe it to these international supporters to at least become aware of a country's political system and how the people in these countries are treated prior to planning any luxurious vacations to countries where people are suffering every day.  It is simply common sense - it does not cost to become educated on human rights issues.

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