Saturday, September 21, 2013

"The People Don't Want HealthCare"!!??

"The people don't want healthcare",  is a continued ignorant utterance from John Boehner and his GOP buddies. What people? He and his rich buddies already have well covered health insurance plans for themselves and their families. So, why should they care about those who don't?  They can selfishly deny Obamacare for others since they do not need it.  Boehner and his GOP buddies are certainly out of touch with ordinary citizens since they are not speaking about the millions of citizens who have no healthcare. He and his GOP buddies seem ignorant to the fact that it is not only the unemployed who may not have healthcare, but professionals such as adjunct professors who have graduate degrees and other professionals may have jobs where health care is not an option. So, when the GOP keeps making the monotonous distasteful utterance that "the people don't want healthcare", what people are they talking about? Certainly not the man on the street since the response would be otherwise.

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