Saturday, October 12, 2013

PBS Frontline - Football Concussions

The PBS documentary on football concussions was interesting to say the least since it brought awareness to the realities of a sport which the NFL executives would have rather not made public. Some of the interesting observations from watching this Frontline production are:

1. The devious, calculating efforts of Roger Goodell and his team to cover up prior knowledge that head injuries received while playing football have contributed to the deadly deterioration of the mind and body of some athletes.

2. A leading Forensic Pathologist and Neuropathologist, Dr. Bennet Omalu, who had worked tirelessly in the brain injury research area, could not even present his own findings to the NFL executives because he was not invited to their conference to do so. However, it is quite ironic that a white colleague who had less input into the research was allowed to present Dr. Omalu's own findings!!??  Even more astonishing is the NFL's continued deceitful efforts to undermine Dr. Omalu by preventing him from researching Junior Seau's brain injuries. These NFL executives seem to believe that Blacks are only qualified to play football! What does this also say about these executives who invited Dr. Ann Mckee to discuss her research finding on brain injuries to athletes, but were more interested in making her feel uncomfortable with their sexist overtures? These actions of the NFL executives speak for themselves.

3. Even after knowing the repercussions from playing football, people seem to be in denial. Parents are still allowing their boys to play in hopes of them becoming football stars and making money. Fans are still attending football games in droves and millions continue to tune in to their television to watch games. It does not seem to matter to the American public that their favorite past-time is a debilitating, deadly one to its athletes.

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