Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hefty Fines Are Not Enough to Penalize Financial Institutions - Consider Imprisonment

The Attorney General, Eric Holder's, decision to assess hefty fines to those financial institution involved in unscrupulous mortgage loans to unqualified applicants is long overdue. But, this is not enough. CEOs such as Jamie Diamond and other high level executives were well aware of the dishonest practices of their mortgage personnel since they ultimately profited from the many mortgage loans. These executives should be arrested, put on trial, and sent to prison. Yet, Attorney General Holder appears to be reluctant to take such action. These executives continue to receive million dollar salaries and bonuses and live a life of opulence. In the meantime, one cannot forget the thousands of homeowners who went through the painful experience of foreclosure. They had no choice but to vacate their dream home or were forcefully evicted from their residence as a result of the financial institution's refusal to negotiate more acceptable terms with the homeowners so as to keep families together in their homes. How is such behavior justified?

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