Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pequeno Goes Free After Killing Two UM Students

During 2013, as Milady Pequeno's Porsche hit two University of Miami students, she continued driving on her merry way. Her conscience or did not tell her that she needed to stop immediately to ascertain the condition of these young people. Both graduate students from China died.  Now, the Miami-Dade District court ruled that Pequeno can go free with a slap on the wrist punishment of paying only a paltry fine. So, she can go home and live a wonderful life while the loved ones of the students continue to mourn their loss. This case  is a prime example of  the inequality that continues to exist in the flawed justice system that caters to the wealthy. The parents of both students could not even afford to return to the United States for the court proceedings or aid in anyway to see that justice was served for the deaths. Certainly, if the victims' family were U.S. residents and in a financial position to pursue this crime to its fullest, Pequeno would not have been so lucky today. But under the circumstances of this case, guess it's good to be rich in Miami Dade County!! 

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