Friday, July 17, 2015

African American Ballerinas Still Have A Very Long Way To Go

Copeland’s goal is “to become the first African-American principal dancer with A.B.T.”Ballerina Michaela DePrince teaches young dancers at Be Dance Studios in Miami Gardens.

 Misty Copeland's rise to principal dance for ABT must be applauded. However, her achievement is a very small step in an industry that will not give any consideration to outstanding African American ballerinas with darker skin than Copeland. DePrince pictured above had to migrate to Holland to be recognized as an exceptional dancer. Her situation is a reminder during earlier years when African American musicians, entertainers, writers, etc. had to migrate to Europe where they were accepted and respected for their talents. Below is an article on DePrince's return visit to the U.S. to share her experiences with young African American ballet students. She must be commended for taking the time to make these youngsters know that with hard work, they have the ability to become premier ballerinas.....unfortunately not with closed-minded U.S. city ballet companies but in foreign countries where they will be given a chance. 

International Ballerina Michaela DePrince Teaches, Inspires At Miami Gardens Studio

PBS - Black Balerina Documentary

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Miami Heat Can't But Carnival Cruise Line Can??!!

In April, when there was an announcement that the NBA would visit Havana, Cuba to conduct basketball clinics, the Mickey Arison owned Miami Heat management registered their objection to the NBA office and announced vehemently that no member of the team would be participating in such activities on the communist island. Their claim was that the Miami Heat did not receive prior notification of the NBA's plans. Today, the Mickey Arison owned Carnival Cruise Line announced that the company has been given the go-ahead in the United States to begin sailing to Cuba, and they are negotiating with the  Castro government to start taking passengers to the island next.year. In fact, Carnival Cruise Line has already begun taking bookings without the full commitment of the Castro government!!?? Now, this about face action seems like hypocrisy.  Guess money wins over politics! The basketball camps in Cuba would not have produced financial beneficial to the organization plus it may not have wanted to negatively stir up their large Cuban American basketball fans.  But, guess these fans don't matter when it comes to cruises to the Cuba since these sailing will certainly be a mega financial success for Arison.

Monday, July 6, 2015

U.S. Marketing/Media's Double Standards on Women Athletes

The U.S.A. women have won World Cup Soccer, 2015, and it is not only a time of joy for the country but a frenzy for the media, marketing firms and marketing personnel at major corporations. No doubt, there will be television interviews and product endorsement contracts offered to these women since they represent White America's standard of the "the all American girl next door". Yet, it is quite ironic to see that this overwhelming media and marketing interest in the women playing World Cup Soccer is not the same as, for instance, with women representing the U.S.A. track and field. Except for maybe Sanya Richards-Ross, other track and field women athletes who have won gold medals for the U.S.A. have been given little or no recognition by media and marketing firms. It is unfortunate that those women on the track and field team who work just as hard for the U.S.A. are not the marketing and media darlings as those who have won gold medals for the U.S.A. in the women's World Cup Soccer tournament.
~ J.Y. Campbell