Monday, July 6, 2015

U.S. Marketing/Media's Double Standards on Women Athletes

The U.S.A. women have won World Cup Soccer, 2015, and it is not only a time of joy for the country but a frenzy for the media, marketing firms and marketing personnel at major corporations. No doubt, there will be television interviews and product endorsement contracts offered to these women since they represent White America's standard of the "the all American girl next door". Yet, it is quite ironic to see that this overwhelming media and marketing interest in the women playing World Cup Soccer is not the same as, for instance, with women representing the U.S.A. track and field. Except for maybe Sanya Richards-Ross, other track and field women athletes who have won gold medals for the U.S.A. have been given little or no recognition by media and marketing firms. It is unfortunate that those women on the track and field team who work just as hard for the U.S.A. are not the marketing and media darlings as those who have won gold medals for the U.S.A. in the women's World Cup Soccer tournament.
~ J.Y. Campbell

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