Sunday, April 3, 2016

The World Forgot The Garissa University Attack

April 2, 2016 marks the first anniversary of the Garrisa University attack when 148 people at a institution in Kenya were massacred by terrorists. The people of Kenya and the small number of those around the world who paid close attention to this limited media covered story in 2015, never forgot, although there were no buildings lighted around the world in the colors of the Kenyan flag or even public acknowledgements on behalf of governments worldwide to express sympathies for the senseless killings. The world has forgotten April 2nd and the loss of so many young lives. Yet, the world will never forget the dates of the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center, or the July 7th London bombing attack, or the January 7th attack in Paris on Charlie Hebdo or the November 13 multi-bombing attack in Paris or the recent March 22nd terrorist attack in Belgium. These dates are embedded in the minds of people due to the continuous coverage of media and political outcry all over the world. Clearly these incidents show that the world is divided. Even under such devastating occurrences, people's mind still function racially where they will give more support if the incident takes place in a White majority country than if similar occurrences happen in countries where Black or ethnics are majority. This hypocritical behavior indicates that Whites deserve more sympathy and attention than Blacks in such incidents. When will these racial preferences end?

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