Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Melania Trump's Tribute To Michelle Obama

She walked gracefully out on stage in a flowing white dress to loud cheers and applause. It was set to be a night of shining glory and a magical moment for Melania Trump who was expected to give an unforgettable speech to the RNC crowd. All in the auditorium listened attentively to a speech that they believed was simply outstanding. But, Oops! The praises began to become unsettling and Melania Trump's grandeur began to decline when it was quickly revealed that she stole words from Mrs. Michelle Obama's speech. What an embarrassment!!  Yet, even more absurd is the blatant denial from the Trump camp that Melania used her own words when it is quite obvious without a shadow of a doubt that when listening to both women simultaneously on their videos that certain words out of Trump's mouth are identical to that of Obama's. But, even more comical is that Melania Trump chose to plagiarize the words of the wife of a man who Donald Trump absolutely considers his archenemy. It doesn't get any better than that! On the other hand, it is quite an honor for Mrs. Obama when someone such as Melanie Trump resorts to using Obama's words since she had no other options of captivating the RNC crowd. This shows what an impact Mrs. Obama's speech had not only on the nation but also even on Mrs. Trump.  But, incidentally, who could tell that words used by Mrs. Obama to express her experiences growing up in a working class family on the south side of Chicago could be used to describe Mrs. Trump's immigrant experiences as a model in New York hobnobbing with the rich and famous.  Guess you never know the power of words when they are plagiarized!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Paul Ryan's 100 Intern Selfie - Shows Employment Racism At Its Best

Can you spot any interns of color in their 100 intern selfie with Paul Ryan.........looking, looking......hmmm.......can't seem to find any??!! In a previous post, it was mentioned that racism against Blacks in the United States is so much more than the police shootings. In addition to many factors mentioned, a less noticed observation was included that Blacks continue to be overlooked for lucrative jobs not because they do not have the education and experience to match a White candidate's qualifications but because an all White interview panel may not believe they will fit into cliques established at White majority organization or agencies or departments. This picture supports that fact. Surely, out of 100 Capitol Hill interns, it is unbelievable and a great shame that any one looking at this selfie cannot readily identify ANY Black intern. Even worse is that Paul Ryan, the Speaker-of-the House does not have common sense to realize that such a selfie would be offensive to so many people at such a racially charged period since it only reflect the racist employment disservices to people of color. Instead, his simple-minded reaction lies solely on the basis that he is setting a selfie record. This is a clear indication that people of color, primarily Blacks, will continue to be denied opportunities to become successful in the United States.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Dae'Anna - Realities of A Black Child

Happy moments - Dae'Anna & Mom on 4th of July
Sad moment for Dae'Anna a day after shooting

It is heartbreaking not only that a 4 year old child was inside the car when Philando Castille was murdered, but is is even more devastating to listen to Dae'Anna's young voice as she bravely tried to console her mother with assurance not to worry since she is there for her. No young child should be placed in such a position in which they have to play a role as a parent to their mother or father. But, in the real world, this is the life many children face where they must grow up much sooner than expected. Incidentally, one has to wonder how could a cop be so heartless as to shoot inside a car in such close proximity to a young child. This action is simply an example of the overall attitude of so many towards a minority child - they don't care! But even more troubling and unacceptable is how this young child had to deal with even more tribulations by watching her mother's arrest which meant that now they would not be able to comfort each other in such a time of distress.  Hopefully, someone will step-up-to-the-plate and ensure that Dae'Anna obtains well-needed counselling since seeing such a horrific incident as she did will remain with her for the rest of her life.
The Bravest Little Girl In The World

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Racism in U.S.A. - More Than Police Shootings

When living in a Black majority country, such as those in the British Caribbean, it is the norm to see Blacks working in top positions as heads of government, bankers, lawyers, doctors, pilots, business owners and other professions. Associated with such highly educated professionals is a middle class or wealthy lifestyle. Of course, as with any developing nation, there is poverty. However, it is common to see some from very poor backgrounds use education to rise  out of poverty. During earlier years, however, in those countries, there were many set backs for Blacks after the abolition of slavery in 1834. But, the racial climate eventually settled thereby allowing Blacks to take charge of their own destiny.The same experience cannot be said for African Americans. While there has certainly been changes in the lives of African Americans throughout the years, bare-faced racism has continued relentlessly since the abolition of slavery and shows no sign that it will be eliminated in the near future. The recent police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile represent a systemic problem that has been prevalent since slavery. The "no justice - no peace" experiences for African-Americans has continued to be a burden and has now began to take its toll on a population who simply cannot bear the racial inequalities anymore. But, the shootings are only a fraction of the injustices that Blacks in the United States have to face each day since other blatant discrimination is widespread as follows:

  • A Black man going about his business will recognize the tension or fright of a passing White lady who will hold on tight to her purse, or cross the street, or hope that the elevator door opens quickly so she can get out.
  • Schools with predominantly Black students are poorly funded thereby perpetuating the cycle of illiteracy, high unemployment, and poverty. 
  • Blacks being interviewed for a job by an all White panel will more than likely not be given consideration by those who may feel that even if the minority candidate has the education requirements and experience, they will not fit in with the department's White clique.  Paul Ryan Selfie - Shows Employment Racism At Its Best
  • Blacks who can afford to move in a more expensive neighborhood will eventually notice the "For Sale" signs going up by Whites who feel that the value of their real estate will decline with the change in color or race demographics.
  • Maintaining Sundown towns, neighborhoods, etc. with predominantly White residents still exists in the 21 century.
  • Blacks are watched if they enter an expensive store because it is automatically assumed that they cannot afford the high-end prices of products.
  • Becoming highly educated is no protection for Black since they are subjected to the same discrimination once they leave the confines of their hospitals, law firms, business offices, etc.
  • The disrespect shown to President Obama by the all White majority Republican congress clearly indicates their refusal to make any effort what-so-ever to work with a Black man but to instead undermine his efforts. 
So, while slavery ended for Black people centuries ago in other parts of the hemisphere, remnants of this ill is still evident today in the U.S.

Audrey Edmonson Transit Village!

Several years ago, many may have driven past 7th Avenue and 62nd Street after the bulldozing of buildings that were synonymous with the Liberty City commercial surroundings. While there are sentiments for those who held on up until the last moment before giving in to the purchase of their space for the development, the new construction has been seen as a revitalization of a declining commercial community. It was surprising, however, when recently driving by this construction area to notice the signage on one of the buildings as the Audrey Edmonson Transit Village. Further research shows that a housing complex will also be named after Commissioner Audrey Edmonson once it is completed. Ms. Edmonson has been a local commissioner since 2005 and during that time has received various awards which is common for local politicians who represent especially minority communities. However, what does not seem to be common is the assignment of a local politician's name to newly constructed buildings within 10 years of his/her public service.  Certainly Ms. Edmonson's work in that short space of time has been beneficial to the community. However, in considering the long standing contributions until death of community activist icons such as Georgia Ayers, Athalie Range, Theodore Gibson, John & Marie Brown and others, one has to wonder why the names of any of these Miami greats were not considered for such a lasting privilege. But, anything goes in this Banana Republic.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

U.S.A. Placed On Travel Advisory Watch - It Is About Time!

It is all too common for the U. S. State Department to place other countries on travel advisory watch for one reason or another. This federal department puts the interest of U.S.citizens first by alerting them to avoid visiting certain countries or take extra precaution if it is necessary to visit those countries. The U.S. State Department has constantly placed countries in the Caribbean and South/Central America with high crime rates on the travel advisory watch list. Throughout the years, the department has consistently placed countries in Europe, the African continent, and the Middle East on the travel advisory list due to terrorist attacks. So, it is quite welcomed that the tables have now turned which has caused the small Bahamian nation to show courage in placing the United States on its travel advisory watch list since they realize a need to protect their own citizens by issuing caution to those who intend to visit the United States, namely young Black men. Ironically, during past years, the U.S. State Department had warned their citizens not to visit the Bahamas due to its high crime rate. It is certainly understandable why the Bahamas has made such a decision with the constant spate of senseless killing of Black men by police officers in the United States  Yes, the day has come when the United States needs to be placed on a travel advisory watch by other Black majority countries from CARICOM and African continent who value and respect the lives of their Black men.

Government Issues Travel Advisory Amid U.S. Violence

Bahamas issues travel advisory for citizens visiting US after shootings