Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Melania Trump's Tribute To Michelle Obama

She walked gracefully out on stage in a flowing white dress to loud cheers and applause. It was set to be a night of shining glory and a magical moment for Melania Trump who was expected to give an unforgettable speech to the RNC crowd. All in the auditorium listened attentively to a speech that they believed was simply outstanding. But, Oops! The praises began to become unsettling and Melania Trump's grandeur began to decline when it was quickly revealed that she stole words from Mrs. Michelle Obama's speech. What an embarrassment!!  Yet, even more absurd is the blatant denial from the Trump camp that Melania used her own words when it is quite obvious without a shadow of a doubt that when listening to both women simultaneously on their videos that certain words out of Trump's mouth are identical to that of Obama's. But, even more comical is that Melania Trump chose to plagiarize the words of the wife of a man who Donald Trump absolutely considers his archenemy. It doesn't get any better than that! On the other hand, it is quite an honor for Mrs. Obama when someone such as Melanie Trump resorts to using Obama's words since she had no other options of captivating the RNC crowd. This shows what an impact Mrs. Obama's speech had not only on the nation but also even on Mrs. Trump.  But, incidentally, who could tell that words used by Mrs. Obama to express her experiences growing up in a working class family on the south side of Chicago could be used to describe Mrs. Trump's immigrant experiences as a model in New York hobnobbing with the rich and famous.  Guess you never know the power of words when they are plagiarized!

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