Sunday, September 24, 2017

Can Invading Military Forces Win A Battle On Foot?

Watching Ken Burn's documentary on "The Vietnam War" brings up the question on the ability of military forces to invade countries outside their comfort, cultural zone and win battles by fighting on foot not only against enemy troops but the country's patriotic citizens. Since the colonial era when natives fought to gain their independence from European nations, these invading forces entered their colonies heavily equipped. However, the invading military forces had to deal with natural factors such as the natives' great familiarity with the nook and cranny of the rugged mountains; steep hillsides; rocky terrain; narrow valleys; dense, mysterious forests; secluded trails; deep winding rivers; murky lakes; hidden caves; eerie dark nights; and extreme weather conditions. The natives have used these natural factors to their advantage which have allowed them to persevere to eventually see the pull out of French forces from Haiti, British forces from fighting the Jamaican Maroons, Portuguese forces from their African colonies, French and subsequently American forces from Vietnam, Spanish forces from Cuba, Russian forces from Afghanistan, and the list goes on and on and on. War should never be an option - no side ever wins in the long run.

Myth - All People From Developing Countries Want to Immigrate to the USA

Immigration has become a popular topic now especially since the recent poor handling of DACA by the Trump administration. The migration rate of so many from developing countries to the United States gives an impression to Americans that the main desire of all natives from developing countries is to migrate to the United States. That thinking may be for those who were born and educated in any developing country where their economic and/or political experiences and higher education aspirations are difficult. Even so, many of these people who grew up in another country never generally adapt entirely to living in the United States and maintain a deep yearning to return to their countries even if it is to visit for a short period of time. Of course, there are those who cannot return because of their illegal status, and this is heart breaking especially when there is a death of a close loved one back home. On the other hand, there are so many from developing countries with U.S. resident or even citizenship status who would not consider the thought of permanently residing in the United States. They believe that they would rather put up with the dysfunctions in their own country than immigrate to the U.S. where they will be regarded as minorities since they are from countries where all are considered first class citizens. They would rather maintain their professional careers in their developing countries than come to the United States where their educational achievements and professional experiences are not acknowledged thereby forcing them to take jobs far below their qualifications. They would rather live in a country where the majority of the population look like them and speak the same language so there is no chance to experience racial discrimination. There are many reasons why these people from developing countries who could easily migrate to live in the United States would never choose  to do so. Visiting is just fine with them!!

Another Clueless Move By HBCU Administrators

Here we go again!! While not an alumni of Howard University, there has always been a high respect for this HBCU.  Attending a higher education institution is expected to develop critical thinking skills that lead to reasonable decisions. But, sadly inviting James Comey as a key note speaker at Howard University just as inviting Betsey Devos as a key note speaker at Bethune Cookman University give serious consideration to the reasonable thinking abilities of those HBCU presidents and administrators who made such ludacrous decisions. The Betsy Devos issue has already been written about as noted below in the link. However, on the James Comey matter, the question is, how could Wayne Frederick and his administrators invite such a controversial person who headed an agency that has always been hostile to Black causes for so many years. Furthermore, Comey is considered as the main contributing factor to the loss of the Democratic candidate, Hilary Clinton, a party that Blacks have greatly supported for generations.  Given these circumstances, are Howard University's President and administrators simply clueless?
Betsey Devos Heckled at Bethune Cookman University

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Observations After Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma will be implanted in the minds of many in Florida for sometime to come. For those residing in the areas of Southeast Florida some considerations are:

After over one week, electric power has not been restored to over 18,000 customers (approximately 12,000 in Miami-Dade and 6,000 in Broward.

It took the unfortunate death of eleven elderly residents at Hollywood Hills Nursing home for the Governor and politicians to pay attention to the needs of the elderly in times of a hurricane. It is truly a shame that such concerns were not previously considered and implemented to prevent the death of so many vulnerable seniors.

Who would know that consumers of upgraded telecommunications features that are highly touted by AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint would loose their phone signals for days? I guess that these telecommunication giants need to go back to the drawing board.

No signs of the Red Cross. However, thankfully through the collection efforts of community agencies, local corporations, professional sports groups, school districts, and private citizens many are getting the aid that is needed to survive during their difficulties.

WLRN in association with the Miami Herald provided well needed news and allowed residents to call in to their studio during the early stages when thousands did not have electricity to watch television so as to keep up-to-date with the news. It would have been even more helpful if the actual names of the opened libraries and meal distribution sites were announced instead of allowing listeners, who may not have had access to the internet, to remain clueless as to which libraries and food sites were opened.

The selfishness of those who bought up more than they needed (including the man you bought 24 loaves of bread) turned into the desire of some to donate all those good that they found to be not necessary when their lights were restored.

Governor Scott's efforts to dominate all press coverage in a political effort to gain publicity for his intended run for the senate and also his attempts to restrict information to the press compromised the press's ability to release important information in the best interest of the public's evacuation efforts.

One step foward - two steps backward comes to mind when it came to the telecommunications giants since their updated mobile and WiFi networks crashed for some days.

The criminal mentality of those thugs who are not deterred by a hurricane was demonstrated when they broke into stores to steal merchandise. It is absurd that some of these store are located in these thugs' own neighborhoods where many business will never consider to open a store. Do you wonder why? The sad thing about it is many in the community will be deprived of even more needed services when the businesses that were vandalized do not re-open.

The deafening, irritating, non-stop noises of loud generators throughout practically every block indicate the popularity and somewhat affordability of the machine that many seem to believe they must have to maintain their spoiled comforts of life.

Hurricanes Uncover Ignorance About Caribbean Islands'

Image result for barbuda
The 2017 hurricane season has uncovered Caribbean islands in the Western Hemisphere that many Americans may not have had any idea existed. Yes, these islands have been a part of this hemisphere for centuries, yet Barbuda, the British Virgin Island, St. Maarten (Dutch colony), St. Martin (French colony), Anguilla, St. Barts, etc. have only become new discoveries for those who have never taken the time to learn about other people and places outside of the United States of America. Yet, it is also ironic that even weather personalities that we would expect to have knowledge about these islands do not know at least how to pronounce the names correctly as is the case when the Chief Meteorologist for ABC News and others mispronounce the name "Dominica". It is unfortunate that only because of the severe damages to these islands that they have now been placed on the "map" to those whose geography knowledge is limited.
How To Pronounce "Dominica"
Young Americans Shaky on Geographic Smarts

Thursday, September 14, 2017

FPL - "F" Grade for Hurricane Irma

After Hurricane Wilma and the lengthy delay in getting power restored for many residents of Miami-Dade county, all indications from FPL were that many of the issues that hampered restoration would be taken care of so that customers would not have to face the inconveniences as they did during the previous storm. Wrong!! From all indications, FPL’s ability to meet the needs of residents after a hurricane has not improved since Hurricane Wilma’s occurrence over 10 years ago. Those who were privileged to get their power restored early after Hurricane Irma may not agree but the hundreds of thousands of those customers who have been waiting to see at least one of the 20,000 or so electrical workers or even a utility truck may beg to differ. There is much to be considered from the poor performance of FPL which in part cannot be blamed on the outside crew but the highly paid President, Eric Silagy, and his administrators who must bear that responsibility for inconveniencing so many once again due to their poor planning practices. Some of the considerations are as follows:

Getting access to a live FLP rep on the phone is near impossible since no effort or prior plans had been made to increase customer service staff. Further, airing an announcement that customers only need to go online to get information is annoying when one considers that so many do not have electricity, WiFi, or other telecommunication connections to go online.

Who is considered priority? Certainly the schools, major chain stores, government offices, hospitals must be included on that list to show the nation that some sort of normalcy has returned to a city. However, living between two medium-sized cities with police stations that still do not have power apart from their generators causes some question as to who are on the priority list.

FPL spokespersons have mentioned that nursing homes are considered priority. Yet, restoring electricity to the Hollywood Hills nursing home where eight patient lost their lives was not considered when power was restored to the adjacent hospital. Surely, there must have been a sign outside this large nursing home to indicate it is a place for the elderly. FPL’s quick denial that they were not told the nursing home should be given priority status is just a poor excuse after such a horrific tragedy. Furthermore, there are so many elderly and sick persons who are not residing in nursing homes who are still waiting for one of the electric trucks to make an appearance in their areas or see one of the 20,000 electrical workers that FPL spokespersons have been bragging about. A caregivers’ recent call to a radio station about her 106 year old patient show that there are individual priorities that are greatly impacted by the lack of electricity.

Having a down line in ones’ home does not seem to even matter to FPL. Such is the case of a customer who called the company to report that a powerline went down in his yard and was gashing fire. He was told by a FPL rep that a utility truck was on the way.  He called a radio station days later to report that he is still waiting for this truck.

Without a doubt, FPL overall handling of power restoration especially in the northern communities of Miami deserves an “F” grade. The company’s poor power restoration abilities indicate that competition is greatly needed in the state of Florida so that there are other options for customers than relying solely on FPL. Let’s watch and see if any of our elected politicians will step up to the plate and introduce a proposal to improve the electricity needs of the state since FPL is just not cutting it. But then again, these may be the privileged group whose power is restored promptly. ---   North Miami Dade Resident

Monday, September 4, 2017

Airports - A Stressful Place To Be

Gone are the day when going to the airport was a pleasure when all would bid loved ones farewell or welcome them to or back to the arrival destination. Now, just the though of going to any airport within the United States or even some of those airports overseas would make anyone have an anxiety attack. Some of the frustrating issues include:

Crowded atmosphere. Deregulation has contributed to cheaper costs which has meant over the year that flying has become more affordable for the masses. So, simply driving into the departure or arrival terminal can be lengthy and frustrating with traffic and curbside congestion as drivers stop anywhere to drop off or pick up passengers. The terminals are overcrowded with swarms of travelers hustling and bustling throughout a mini-city atmosphere that is impacted further with those hanging around as a result of delayed flights.

Travel regulations are constantly changing unexpectedly. So, one cannot anticipate what to expect when going through TSA lines. The only consistency is the removal of shoes.

Delayed flights. A traveler's hope is that their flight will leave on time, but that is a bit too much to expect. With flights coming from elsewhere, weather conditions, and mechanical issues to contend with, it is always a miracle when a flight actually takes off on time.

Overbooked flights. The flaw of overbooking flights was highlighted earlier this year with the inexcusable, forcible removal of a passenger from a United flight. So, one never knows if they will get on a flight even if they booked and paid in advance early and also check-in early.

Lost baggage.It is hard to imagine that after asking passengers to volunteer to check-on their hand luggage, an airport representative would tag the volunteer's bag to go to Bridgetown, Barbados instead of to Kingston, Jamaica.  There are worse luggage lost horror stories so passengers can only hope and pray that when they get to the arrival cities they will retrieve their luggage off the carousel.

Poor service in handling those who require wheelchair assistance. It is doubtful that since 2015 Eulen America's has improved its practice of taking American Airlines wheelchair passengers of the airplane but quickly abandoning these needy passengers in a secluded part of Miami International Airport for over an hour instead of wheeling them directly to Immigration,  baggage claims, and Customs. No better service can be extended to Direct Airline Services (DAS) serving Spirit Airlines whose shortage of workers mean that one worker may be responsible for handling two or three wheelchairs at the same time. So, while many may believe that wheelchair passengers' travels may be effortless, the reality at airports indicate that the wheelchair services workers are under much constraints and this ultimately affects disabled passengers.

Racial profiling of certain international flights. It is evident that passengers disembarking from certain international destinations face extra scrutiny by Immigration and Customs officers. Luggage will not be delivered to carousels in a timely manner. So passengers from these flights under surveillance  just have to wait patiently and watch other passengers retrieve their luggage although these passengers' flights may have arrived after the scrutinized flights. What is ironic is that passengers disembarking European flights may need to scrutinized too, but racial injustices continue to get those passengers a by pass.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Hypocritical Photo Op of the Year!!

It is hard to make sense or give any logical reaction to this photo op of Trump lifting a Black child. This man has not shown any respect or any desire to be cordial to the first Black president or demonstrated any interest in Black and Latino minorities and their causes for that matter. Yet, he and his political team seem to believe that lifting a Black child or craftily arranging for Black children to be in Trump's presence for a photo op during his visit to Texas will show any semblance of his compassion towards the people. Wrong!! This is hypocrisy and definitely FAKE news!! Nevertheless, his awkward, pretentious moment of holding a Black child is just another example where Blacks and minorities are slyly used throughout the years by others to follow through with their hidden agendas.