Sunday, September 24, 2017

Can Invading Military Forces Win A Battle On Foot?

Watching Ken Burn's documentary on "The Vietnam War" brings up the question on the ability of military forces to invade countries outside their comfort, cultural zone and win battles by fighting on foot not only against enemy troops but the country's patriotic citizens. Since the colonial era when natives fought to gain their independence from European nations, these invading forces entered their colonies heavily equipped. However, the invading military forces had to deal with natural factors such as the natives' great familiarity with the nook and cranny of the rugged mountains; steep hillsides; rocky terrain; narrow valleys; dense, mysterious forests; secluded trails; deep winding rivers; murky lakes; hidden caves; eerie dark nights; and extreme weather conditions. The natives have used these natural factors to their advantage which have allowed them to persevere to eventually see the pull out of French forces from Haiti, British forces from fighting the Jamaican Maroons, Portuguese forces from their African colonies, French and subsequently American forces from Vietnam, Spanish forces from Cuba, Russian forces from Afghanistan, and the list goes on and on and on. War should never be an option - no side ever wins in the long run.

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