Saturday, March 10, 2018

Death Uncovers the Best and Worst in People's Character

One's death is not a subject that anyone is eager to speak about. People blindly think and behave as if they will be young forever. But, when a loved one dies, the reality sets in for some people - not all - that they too will be lying on a bed in a morgue one day. The responsibilities of planning the funeral arrangements of loved ones are stressful especially if the expenses are inundating if no funeral provisions were made in advance by the deceased. But, another important learning observation is that, during this difficult period of mourning, the death of a loved one not only brings out the best in people but also the worst in people. So, the expected sincere dedication of family and friends are evident or not apparent. Some people show their love by going above and beyond to assist, and this never-ending attention continues as they make all effort to give comfort during the time of bereavement. These good souls listen; they care; they do whatever is necessary without being asked; they never leave the side of the bereaved person. But, death also brings out a side of some family members and friends that the bereaved would have never expected. It is through a death of a loved one that one can determine the true nature of even neighbors or acquaintances or social media friends. No contact, or words of comfort; no return calls; no act of kindness; no reaching out to even acknowledge the death. It is these times of death that brings out who can be relied on and those who are undependable.

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