Saturday, November 10, 2012

Republican Party Out of Touch

On election night, President Obama gave a victory speech to an audience of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, Indians, Middle Easterners, Gays, Lesbians, etc., etc., etc. The audience demonstrated the make up of United States in the 21 century. On the other hand, the video of Mitt Romney's speech provided an eerie image of a predominantly white audience and gave the impression of a political gathering in the 1950s or so. After losing the 2008 elections, the GOP acknowledged the need to diversify the party since their loss indicated that major minority groups voted for President Obama. However, it appears that this statement did not go anywhere since the GOP is echoing the same need for the party after the 2012 elections. A great many Repubicans are set in their thinking about other races. So it will be a challenge for them to welcome other races with open arms. However, as the country continues to diversify with the growth of the minority population, the sooner the GOP begins to agressively work on this problem, the better chance the party will have to win any future elections.

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