Thursday, November 15, 2012

Romney's Blame Game

After Romney's over-confidence was deflated by a humiliating and unexpected defeat, he now needs to find an excuse to avoid further scrutiny and bad mouthing from his GOP buddies on his poorly ran, expensive presidential campaign. So, he is now accusing the President of winning because he promised "gifts" to the minorities. Well, that is exactly why he lost the minority vote because minorities could easily see that he has no love or use for them. They could see his fakeness a mile away! So, his statement only shows who the real Romney is - one who has no liking or respect for minorities. In fact, it would be interesting to know his reaction to his loss in Iowa, a state where finding minorities is like searching for a needle in a haystack. So, is he also blaming the very few minorities in this state for his embarrassing loss? Even, his own state - who is he accusing for that loss? He needs to get over the fact that he will never be president of the United States, lay of the 47%, and move on!

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