Thursday, June 6, 2013

Heckling Mrs. Obama

That lesbian who had the nerve to heckle Mrs. Obama was certainly put in her place. The gay-rights heckler only embarrassed herself! But, the concern is why was the audience at the fundraising event initially so non-responsive that it caused Mrs. Obama to have to make a decision to leave versus remaining on stage to be heckled by that crazy lady. It should not have come to Mrs. Obama making this threat for the audience to communicate their disapproval of the heckler and the need for her to leave. Probably, the audience decided to chastise the heckler when they realized that they would not gain the full benefit of the costly amount that they paid to hear Mrs. Obama speak if she walked out on them. Or probably they realized that it would certainly not look good on their part if Mrs. Obama, the United States President's wife, walked out of their event. Furthermore, why didn't security immediately throw the heckler out of the room? Nevertheless, whatever caused the audience to finally speak up, the bottom line is Mrs. Obama is a serious woman who will not put up with any disrespectful actions as her husband have to encounter every day. Yes, she certainly handled the situation well in voicing her disapproval and making an ultimatum to show that she does not take crap. So, don't mess with this strong, serious, Black woman.

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