Tuesday, June 18, 2013

High Price African-American Babies

It is so ironic to view the continuous coverage of the news media and to hear that the paparazzi are on 24 hours alert to get the first pictures of Kim and Kanye's baby so as to earn millions of dollars from the publisher who will purchase the pictures. In fact, millions of dollars were also offered to Beyoncé and Jay Z (thankfully they made an ethical decision not to sell out their baby), as well as Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon and probably Halle Berry to publish the first pictures of their babies.  While millions of dollars were offered to publish the first baby pictures of other famous couples, the ones mentioned above are noticeable since they have African-American babies. How times have changed! Many years ago, no special attention or even a single glance was given to any baby that had an ounce or drop of Black blood in their tiny bodies not even if the parents were well-known.  Aside from attention from the Black communities, the White masses throughout the United States could not have cared less for the birth of a Black child. So, it is now quite ironic to see the media running around like chickens without a head to interview anyone who can give them even the slightest insight into the birth of these African-American babies of the rich and famous. Hmmh!!! --  writer - J. Y. Campbell

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