Sunday, April 13, 2014

Dream Act's Forgotten Students

At a recent Dream Act media  blitz at Miami  Dade College, scholarships were awarded to students who appeared to meet the criteria. The concerns of the students who desire passage of the proposed Dream Act or any other similar law are certainly understandable since all students should be entitled to achieve their dream of obtaining student grants or loans or other opportunities to pursue a higher education. Certainly it is not the fault of these students that they are undocumented, so they should not have to bear the burden of their parents by being deprived of a higher education.  Therefore, awarding scholarships provides those students with a well-deserved opportunity to achieve their educational dreams. However, this media conference showed a flaw that has been persistent throughout the promotion of the proposed act - only the Latinos are shown as deserving of any benefits. However, there are many other cultures who require assistance from any offerings under the proposed Dream Act. These students have an additional burden since they never seem to be visible in the public eye when the news cameras are present to photograph any events that bring awareness to the plight of these undocumented students.  This gives the wrong impression that the undocumented difficulties only apply to Latino students.  People who are advocates of the dream act need to do a better job of including other cultures who are just as deprived as Latino students in their struggle to obtain a higher education.

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