Monday, April 28, 2014

NAACP L.A. Chapter - What Were They Thinking

It is one thing to hear Donald Sterling's massa of plantation remarks that shows his total disgust for Black people, but what is even more amazing was that a Black organization, the L.A. Chapter of the NAACP, had made plans to present this racist with a Life Time Achievement award after his known history of discrimination against people of color. Is the L.A. chapter for real??!! This Black organization could not find anyone throughout the entire Los Angeles, who has worked tirelessly to help the community, but a racist?  Black ancestors who fought and died for freedom of their people must be turning in their graves at such a slap-in-the face from the L.A. chapter.  In fact, was the intention of the L.A. chapter actually to reap financial benefits from Sterling for presenting him with such an award? The chapter's withdrawal of the award does not dismiss the fact that such plans were not only a stupid decision but will be an embarrassment to the organization for many years to come. A once reputable civil rights organization has become the laughing stock of the nation. One step forward, two steps backward.

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