Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A Cry of Racism for Indiscipline Children

Officer Ben Fields was fired for slamming a female student to the ground. Many are crying racism, but records show that he was involved in the mishandling of a White student. Nevertheless, the matter with the student at Spring Valley High School should not have escalated to the altercation as shown on the video. Teachers and educator are faced everyday with dealing with disruptive children who have no home training, so these students believe they can do whatever they want to inside a classroom and get away with it. All who are crying racism in this Spring Valley High School case should stop criticizing and come spend one day inside a classroom with some of these indiscipline students who are out-of-control. Surely, these critics would have a different opinion after they encounter students who are constantly on their phone texting, etc., etc., etc., instead of completing their classwork. Wonder what these critics would do if they were in the classroom everyday and had to deal with such students who have a habit of talking back and confronting the teacher?

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