Saturday, October 31, 2015

Petition to Fire Don Lemon Is Senseless

The BLM movement has made a great impact in publicly supporting the need for police officers to treat Blacks with respect when they are stopped for whatever reason. So, BLM's efforts in emphasizing the importance of Black lives is necessary especially with the continuous spate of unwarranted murders or mistreatment of Black men and women. However, the movement's involvement, through Jamell Henderson, in a petition to remove Don Lemon from his CNN news anchor post demonstrates that basic common sense is lacking in starting such a petition. Don Lemon, as any other anchor - Black or White, can ask whatever questions he wants and if the questions or his comments are not to anyone's liking, then they can easily switch channels in this democratic nation. Furthermore, Lemon's asking to obtain more facts is justified versus jumping to conclusions based solely on brief video that does not show prior footage in the Spring Valley classroom. For Jamell Henderson to presume that Don Lemon must rush to judgement prior to hearing all the facts in the Spring Valley High School case, simply because he is a Black man, is nonsense. Henderson's call for Lemon's firing is irresponsible especially when so many people have jumped on the bandwagon in support of such a simple-minded, silly request which will certainly not happen in the real world! There are more serious issues occurring in the United States to rally Black support through!

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