Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Verbal Abuse Goes Beyond the "Locker Room"

The crude remarks of Donald Trump that was egged on by Billy Bush is an example of the verbal abuse that constantly occurs with some men who show no respect for women when talking among themselves. But, this type of behavior is not only prevalent in the "locker room". It all too often continues in the homes where their female partners are abused. Many have the false impression that physical, verbal, or mental abuse against women occurs mainly in lower income households. However, any type of abuse is all too common in wealthy households as noted in the link below. During a political atmosphere where Donald Trump's not surprising verbal abusive behavior is popular news, one has to go beyond this and also the claims of his many other similar outbursts that are now coming to the forefront.  We should also consider how this tendancy outside the home may extend within his home. There is an eerie silence from Trump's former wives, and the unbelievable press release from his current wife of forgiving his taped rantings of abuse towards women leaves great doubt.  Money talks in this case, and it is understandable that none of these women would dare to speak out negatively against the "hands that feed them". Nevertheless, physical, verbal, and mental abuse against women is alive and well for all women regardless of class, creed, color, religious belief, etc. and it must stop.

Domestic Violence Among the Wealthy Hides Behind ‘Veil of Silence’

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