Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Throwing Supplies.at the Puerto Rican People Was Distasteful

The president's visit to Puerto Rico today was met with some criticism on his uncaring remarks which hammered in the fact that the island's losses would impact the budget of the United States. His great satisfaction in comparing Puerto Rico's body count to that experienced in New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina was another shameful low at the press briefing. But, disorganization was observed at an all time high when flocks of people crowded a church where the president disrespectfully threw supplies to or rather at the people as if they were animals at a zoo. Couldn't the White House staff have had the intelligence to organize for residents to enter the church's building in a queue that moved in a single procession to receive handouts starting from the president to others in line? Didn't see the president disrespecting the victims he met in Houston or Florida by tossing supplies at them. Throwing supplies at the people mimics how some plantation massas gleefully threw scraps at their slaves. The Puerto Rican people deserve better - they are human beings and also citizens of the United States.

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