Saturday, October 21, 2017

When Human Concerns Take A Back Seat to Animals

Radio news jocks were in shock when they announced how 200 animals were flown from Puerto Rico to Miami and another 200 were also flown from the island to Atlanta. The unbelievable reactions could be heard in the announcers' voices and certainly that was the reaction of this writer. It is well over a month, since the people of Puerto Rico, especially those residing in the countryside villages, have been suffering with a lack of food, electricity, and adequate supply of water - needs that are taken for granted in the United States. Yet, when it comes to saving lives, the first thought to some is to get the animals out of the island. Some people who live in poverty are elderly or sick and do not have relatives in the United States to assist them in not only leaving the island but  accommodating them while living in the United States. In the United States, people display a love for their animals, and there is no problem with this affection. But, when the concerns for animals far exceeds the concerns for human life, that priority is simply speechless. People can come up with solutions to fly dogs to the United States but cannot come up with solutions to fly poor, elderly and suffering American citizens from Puerto Rico to the United States. What a world!

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