Saturday, February 23, 2013

When Will They Learn?

In the United States it is not an easy task for African Americans to achieve the highest positions in politics and other areas. While there are successes, they have to work ten times harder to maintain such accomplishments. Further, at these high level positions, African-Americans are generally under constant scrutiny. So, it is important to have a squeaky clean political career. But, this is not so for Kwame Kilpatrick, Jesse Jackson, Jr. and Ray Nagin. In these recent cases, the three attained well-respected political positions where they were entrusted with major responsibilities. Yet, these three men are now criminally charged for misusing tax payers money for their personal gains to maintain lavish life styles. They failed to learn that having power and access to public funds do not mean that they have free reign to do whatever they like. Hopefully, these cases will become a teaching moment for those upcoming, brilliant African-American politicians who are seeking highly respected political office.

Friday, February 15, 2013

When to Reject Travel Compensation

American Airlines made efforts to keep passengers quiet by offering a couple thousand dollars when their flight to Kingston, Jamaica crashed into the Caribbean Sea in December, 2009. Fast forward to recently, passengers encountered days of living in deplorable conditions on board a Carnival Cruise while the cruise line owner, Micky Arison, was seen laughing and enjoying himself at a Miami Heat game. Mind you, this is Arison's second ship within a couple of years where passengers experienced a nightmare. Yet, he did not utter a single word of sympathy on any of these two occasions. The offer made to passengers is $500 in cash, refund of their cruise fare, and a credit towards another cruise. These companies will try to get off paying as little as they can to affected customers. So, travel consumers should be aware that they do not have to accept any paltry compensation if they are greatly affected while travelling. Seeking legal action should be the first recourse of customers. Avoid being enticed by quick offers from the travel companies since these will not compensate for all the trials encountered and will not provide long term benefits.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pope Benedict's Regination - A Cop Out!

Pope Benedict's resigned due to health reasons - give me a break! Other popes prior to him not only suffered from more serious illnesses, but some were more aged and frail. In fact, Pope John Paul II was shot and critically wounded, but he certainly did not let his injuries stop him from resuming his duties up until his death. What a blatant cop out! Pope Benedict doesn't want to deal with the issues that are plagueing the Catholic church. So, his decision demonstrates that he should never have been selected in the first place! The papal selection committee should take heed when making their next selection for a successor. Incidentally, Cardinal Peter Turkson from Africa is thought to be a suitable candidate at this time. However, given the fact that racism is not restricted to outside of the Vatican, the selection of this capable cardinal is quite skeptical.

Marco Rubio - GOP Savior - I Don't Think So!

If Marco Rubio is the only "savior" or "rising star" that can be found in the Republican Party then there must be a major problem within the party! This is Rubio's second year and he is being elevated so fast within the political ranks that there is bound to be a sudden crash in the future. If the Republican masses believe that he will save the party because of his Latin background,well it's not going to happen. Furthermore, this means that Rubio is simply being used by GOP connivers to serve one purpose only - to secure the Latin votes. These hyprocrites will drop him so fast if he doesn't deliver as they have often done to others who did not meet their expectations. In addition, with Rubio's fast progress in politics, he is certainly not squeeky clean and this toupee wearing politician's unknown actions will eventully come to light. So, GOP savior - I don't think so!