Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Marco Rubio - GOP Savior - I Don't Think So!

If Marco Rubio is the only "savior" or "rising star" that can be found in the Republican Party then there must be a major problem within the party! This is Rubio's second year and he is being elevated so fast within the political ranks that there is bound to be a sudden crash in the future. If the Republican masses believe that he will save the party because of his Latin background,well it's not going to happen. Furthermore, this means that Rubio is simply being used by GOP connivers to serve one purpose only - to secure the Latin votes. These hyprocrites will drop him so fast if he doesn't deliver as they have often done to others who did not meet their expectations. In addition, with Rubio's fast progress in politics, he is certainly not squeeky clean and this toupee wearing politician's unknown actions will eventully come to light. So, GOP savior - I don't think so!

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