Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pope Benedict's Regination - A Cop Out!

Pope Benedict's resigned due to health reasons - give me a break! Other popes prior to him not only suffered from more serious illnesses, but some were more aged and frail. In fact, Pope John Paul II was shot and critically wounded, but he certainly did not let his injuries stop him from resuming his duties up until his death. What a blatant cop out! Pope Benedict doesn't want to deal with the issues that are plagueing the Catholic church. So, his decision demonstrates that he should never have been selected in the first place! The papal selection committee should take heed when making their next selection for a successor. Incidentally, Cardinal Peter Turkson from Africa is thought to be a suitable candidate at this time. However, given the fact that racism is not restricted to outside of the Vatican, the selection of this capable cardinal is quite skeptical.

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