Saturday, May 21, 2016

60 Minutes - Old Age or Illness........ or Curse?

Morley Safer recently passed away. His death adds to the 60 Minutes' deaths of on-air personalities who people were accustomed to seeing for so many years on their television screens on Sundays at 7:00 PM. From Ed Bradley to Andy Rooney to Mike Wallace to Bob Simon to Morley Safer. The retirements of both Rooney and Safer were aired on episodes a couple days before the public learned that both men unexpectedly passed away. Could their cases be coincidences or CBSs perfect timing in expectation of the impending deaths or examples of the notions supported by sociologists on the elderly's mind power over the body in postponing death until a major event occurs. Whatever the case, hopefully the string of deaths will not be a common occurrence that will incite the "c" word.

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