Thursday, May 26, 2016

Ken Starr - Karma Is A Bitch!

The saying, "what goes around, comes around" is not often proven with an identifiable public incident. However, Ken Starr's recent firing then demotion at Baylor University show that karma is alive and well.  It is quite ironic that his aggressive, witch hunt in the Clinton/Lewinsky sexual relations scandal brought accolades on his efficient handling of the case. However, "Mr. Morality's" inattentiveness to the recent Baylor University sexual relations accusations has lead to questions on his inefficient attention in addressing the matter. It is hard to forget Starr's overzealous, nasty, hateful, tactics in dealing with President Clinton while engaging in his "Christian" duties to leave no stones unturned. Starr was eager to end one man's career, and now his career is called into question. Karma is certainly a bitch!

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