Thursday, May 19, 2016

North Carolina's Bathroom Restrictions - An Opposite Effect

The nonsensical law in North Carolina that prohibit Transgender students from using the bathrooms of the sex that they now identify with is somewhat a blessing in disguise. The politicians who approved this law have brought an important subject, the plight of transgenders, to the forefront since their difficulties were previously never considered a 'hot' topic for public discussion. Now, thanks to North Carolina's politicians' backward thinking, the issues of Transgenders have been brought to the forefront for all to consider the difficulties that they have been experiencing for years. So, thumbs up to North Carolina politicians for making a law that is out-of-touch with the discrimination laws that are in place to prevent social injustices. Their ignorant bathroom law decision has made so many people more knowledgeable and receptive to need for Transgender rights in the United States.

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